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Hackitt Report the standout topic as FIREX confirms education programme for 2018

The Expertise and Guidance Theatre sponsored by BAFE will cover a wide range of fire safety issues at FIREX 2018.

The full programme of talks will see experts from the fire safety industry cover a variety of topics on the following themes: Grenfell and the Hackitt report, tall buildings and technical content.

Grenfell and the Hackitt report

In his keynote address (Tuesday 19 June at 10:45), Brian Robinson CBE, president of the Fire Sector Federation will deliver his verdict concerning the fire sector’s response to the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

In light of the recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackitt in her review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, the Fire Sector Federation has assembled a panel of fire safety experts that will take place on Tuesday 19 June at 11:25.

The panel discussing the Hackitt Review will review activities from the last year, discuss proposals for legislative change and make recommendations for improving fire protection throughout the built environment

The panel will review activities from the last year, discuss proposals for legislative change and make recommendations for improving fire protection throughout the built environment. The panel will be available to answer your questions and offer their views on how to develop an appropriate fire safety solution that ensures a tragedy like Grenfell never happens again.

Geoffrey Podger, chair of national compliance and risk qualifications at the HSE, will focus on the wider implications of the Grenfell disaster in his talk on Tuesday 19 June at 12:30. He will consider why it has taken a huge incident to force the industry to take preventive and proportionate action on health and safety risks and whether past lessons on how to achieve this have really been learnt.

This will lead on to Kizzy Augustin’s talk at 14:30 regarding the lessons learnt post Grenfell in terms of fire safety deficiency in the UK. Her talk will examine the main findings from the Grenfell inquiry to determine what the real fire safety issues are, who could be liable for them and what the likely fines are if there is a prosecution.

Finally, don’t miss the Grenfell panel discussion on Thursday 21 June at 10:20. Led by Ian Moore, CEO of the Fire Industry Association, it will be an opportunity to discuss the key issues that arose from the tragedy.

Tall buildings

On Tuesday at 13:10, Justin Francis, a Fire Officer with 22 years of experience from the Queensland Fire Service in Australia, will kick off the first of the discussions regarding best safety practices in tall buildings. His talk will give a global perspective of evolving evacuation methods from high-rise buildings and focus in particular on research from the Winston Churchill Fellowship conducted throughout eleven different countries.

Russ Timpson from the Tall Building Fire Safety Network will give a presentation on Tall Buildings Safety Management (Wednesday at 13:15) and give an overview of what compliance looks like, best practices and essential do’s and don’ts.

Curtis Massey from Massey Enterprises will look at what works and what doesn’t when it comes to fighting fires in increasingly complex tall buildings 

The voice alarm challenges in high rise buildings will be addressed by Neil Voce, Head of Business Development at ASL (Thursday at 12:45). His session will look at various system architectures and show how the industry has progressed to meet the challenges. This will include looking at equipment used and how to optimise installations, as well as the beneficial effects of phased evacuation.

The final session on tall buildings will be led by Curtis Massey from Massey Enterprises (Thursday at 13:15) and his emphasis will be on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to fighting fires in these unique buildings where complexity is constantly increasing.  Curtis analyses historical oversights and incorrect methodology, while allowing attendees to examine key factors surrounding water supply, ventilation, elevators, redundant power supplies and many more.

Technical content

Now that Dame Judith Hackitt has delivered her report, big changes to fire safety will be in store for the fire industry. In his talk (Tuesday 15:10), Brian Gregory, Managing Director of Safety Management (UK) will give attendees an idea of what fire risk assessment will look like following these developments. This will include examining how to meet client needs and expectations while balancing large quantities of work, as well as considering the resources required to deliver the FRAs.

To conclude Tuesday’s talks, Amanda Hope UK Business Development Manager at Advanced will focus her presentation on the importance of preventing false alarms in residential buildings (16:30).

Business Development Manager Andrew Thompson will kick off Wednesday’s presentations by looking at fire doorsets (10:20) and will examine the latest government guidance, regulatory requirements, the aligning of building regulations and how the latter impact fire doorsets.

FIA technical manager Will Lloyd will consider revisions to standard BS 5839-1

Attendees will receive an in depth overview from Technical Manager Will Lloyd on the revision of standard BS 5839-1 where he will highlight the differences between this version and the old 2013 version to provide his insight from the FIA into this complex subject area (11:00).

A lack of fire safety management, poor housekeeping and inadequate maintenance can negate the best fire safety measures. In his talk, John Davidson, Head of Field Operations (Systems) at National Security Inspectorate (NSI) will take at look at some of the common issues found in buildings and how to avoid them to improve fire safety within premises.

Raman Chagger is the Principal Consultant in Fire Safety at BRE Global and leads associated research and development activities in fire detection and warning. As a UK technical expert he supported the development of fire detector standards and codes of practice. He will bring this expertise to his presentation on how multi-sensor detector capabilities can help to reduce false alarms (15:20).

Ian Watts from Hochiki Europe will tackle the integration of fire and emergency lighting and specifically the legislation surrounding these combined systems in his presentation on Thursday at 10:55.

Concluding the programme of talks at the Expertise and Guidance Theatre will be Mark Newton, Certification Manager at BRE Global where he will focus on the inspection, cleaning and maintenance of ductwork systems.

Free download: Fire Safety Guide

Know your fire safety responsibilities.

Business owners have many responsibilities, but the consequences of neglecting your fire safety responsibilities are potentially unthinkable.

Download this guide to get:

  • A beginner’s guide to the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order
  • Your guide to fire risk assessments
  • Further guides covering fire doors, fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, fire escape signs, sprinklers, water-mist systems and fire safety training
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