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Running Security in Europe’s Biggest Caravan Park

Modern trailer or caravan parkHow do heads of security procure technology? What are their biggest challenges?

These and more questions we posed to Don Shaw MCGI, operations manager and head of security at Bunn Leisure.

Covering about 320 acres Bunn Leisure operates the biggest caravan-based holiday park in Europe.

IFSEC Global: How would a typical day unfold for you?

Don Shaw: We have three separate entertainment venues and a large leisure complex. It is my job to ensure my team make people feel safe and well informed and therefore encourage them to come back to a holiday park where they can relax and enjoy their holiday.

IG: How did you get to where you are today?

DS: I spent 34 years in the military, during which time from my early 20s I worked in numerous forms of security as a second job to enhance my salary. Due to the amount of experience I gained in the security industry over the years, it was a no-brainer to continue my career utilising my security experience, and my leadership and management skills.

IG: How is your team structured?

DS: We have a 30-man department split into four teams: two day-shift teams working 0630-1830 and two night-shift teams on 1830-0630, working 24/7/365 on the basis of a 48-hour week, four days on, three days off.

Each shift has a shift manager and an assistant shift manager. The senior management team includes a security manager and me, the head of security.

IG: What do you see as your greatest challenges over the next 12 months?

DS: The greatest challenges over each holiday season are managing visitor expectations and enjoyment during the main holiday and bank holiday periods when we have more than 12,000 customers on the parks.

Another challenge is ensuring that my team only adds to this experience by dealing very quickly with any incidents, whether it’s an aggressive situation or administering first aid or finding a lost child.

IG: In what ways does the caravan business pose unique challenges to the security professional?

DS: Mostly by the close vicinity of adjacent caravans and the fact that noise travels very easily through a caravan wall. It is sometimes difficult for some visitors to accept that people come to holiday parks to have fun and laughter.

But you also must remember that we need to draw a line somewhere when it concerns overexuberant behaviour and loud voices late at night.

IG: What do you enjoy most about your role? And whay is the most frustrating aspect of your role?

DS: Bunn Leisure is a very nice place to work; it’s an extremely well-kept holiday park with high standards of cleanliness and presentation located  on a one-mile stretch of beach in the sunny South of England.

A very enjoyable part of the role is the diversity of customers, which equates to each day being very different. The most frustrating aspect is those who come to the parks with no intention of having a good time and end up spoiling it for others.

IG: Can you give an example of a recent or memorable project you ran?

DS: We are currently running a checkpoint system that ensures all areas of the parks are visited regularly. This can be monitored and any concerns are quickly resolved.

The system is currently in full-time use with a view to enhance and modify its operation in the future.

We have liaised directly with a company that provides the software and hardware for the system. We have two mobile units operating on each shift to ensure that sufficient areas are covered.

IG: How do you choose your technology?

DS: We are currently looking at utilising satellite-based technology to enhance and improve the operation of the checkpoint system. We utilise the information provided at IFSEC Global events and web-based information when choosing new technology.

As always, reliability, functionality and value for money is what we are looking for.

IG: If you had any advice for consultants, installers or integrators who wanted to work with you on a project, what would it be?

DS: Be honest, produce a good argument why your systems are better than the competition and keep the price competitive.

IG: Is there anything about the security industry that frustrates or annoys you?

DS: I am looking forward to some continuity with regard to the administration of the Security Industry Authority.

IG: To what extent does the public/media misunderstand the nature, scope and importance of the security industry?

DS: Security still has a built-in harshness when it comes to public perception. People need to realise that we’re there to ensure they all have a good time, take away some great memories and arrive home safely and unscathed.

The people-facing security sector requires an officer with very good customer services skills who is there to help and advise if required. Take away all of the above and we’ll have anarchy.

What kind of person is suited to your profession – in terms of personality, background and skillset?

The security industry has numerous roles for many different skills and personalities.

As with any industry an employee with good people skills who is smart, approachable and has presence will excel. It is all about people management nad having a “round peg for a round hole.”

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