The Video Surveillance Report 2021


UPDATED REPORT NOW AVAILABLE: Download the Video Surveillance Report 2023, here!

A year of irreversible transformation, or a year of temporary disruption? Whichever way you view it, the events of 2021 (and 2020) have had an impact on almost every part of daily life.

Surveillance systems have had their own part to play in all of this. Made possible by the considerable advancements in AI, deep learning, analytics and IP-based technologies in recent years, security professionals were suddenly relied upon to install, advise upon and research how video tech could contribute towards a more holistic approach to health, safety and security.

This year’s report develops upon last year’s findings. First, we explore how analytics and AI applications are being used by those installing and operating video surveillance devices. Crucially, we aim to understand how surveillance devices are being used for so much more than reactionary security purposes today. How have systems been used to manage the pandemic, for instance – or further than this, how are they being used to measure retail behaviour or predict future extreme weather events?

We also dive deeper into the role video surveillance devices are playing in the developing field of integrated physical security and building management systems. While the growing use of the cloud for storage, analytics and video management purposes is also touched upon.

Finally, we seek to understand how the overall industry responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. How did it impact installers and consultants? And how have surveillance upgrade projects been affected by the turbulence of restrictive lockdowns and external factors.

We’d encourage anyone involved in the installation, management, operation, distribution and sale of video surveillance devices to download and read the Video Surveillance Report 2021 – with findings based on 404 fully completed responses from industry professionals.


  1. AI and video analytics: Trends and challenges
  2. Video surveillance systems: More than just security?
  3. The role of video surveillance in a connected world
  4. The cloud – is the industry ready for the move?
  5. Market outlook for video surveillance systems

Simply complete this short form to download this FREE 22-page trend report.

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