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How to Plan a Security System: Tips and Tricks from Tavcom

Tavcom Training’s senior tutor Jon Laws explained how to properly design a CCTV and IP system at IFSEC International 2015.

Jon Laws explained the difference between useful and useless CCTV

Jon Laws explained the difference between useful and useless CCTV

Addressing the assembled installers and integrators Jon Laws explored the fundamental steps to follow in order to build a safe, efficient and secure video surveillance system (VSS).

Firstly, it is essential to fit to BS IEC 6267-4 – a standard adopted in many countries worldwide – which was only released in 2014 and contains fresh stipulations on screen height, the introduction of VSS Grading, the quality of transmission and storage.

The grading, according to the standard, is necessary, because there’s more to consider than cameras, it’s the overall system itself.

“We suggest you look at that in combination with the operational requirements,” said Laws, adding that “grading in itself will never guarantee the quality of the images obtained. It affects robustness, the integrity and the security of the system.”

Graded items include storage, alarm related information, system logs, time synchronisations – all are listed in the standard guide provided by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA).

Screen height

Screen height is another crucial point when talking about video security systems. It is necessary for the customer, whether a company or private, to have something appropriately designed for the location of use.

Too often, cameras include in the image irrelevant details. For example, in a private house security system, there’s no point occupying half of the image with the ceiling if the focus needs to be the patio.

Furthermore, the height of screens is linked to the quality of the image obtained. Using PAL or high definition cameras will influence the percentage of the screen used to inspect, identify and recognise detail in the final image. This data must match with the type of monitoring used, whether it is proactive or reactive.

In addition, other basic expedients to always keep in mind were underlined by Law. First of all the role of the environment: “When we do testing, we do it in regular conditions. I suggest you test your devices in the worst possible conditions.”

He then invited the audience to look at the camera’s position. “If it’s pointing east, will it be able to have a clear image facing the sunlight?”

The final advice is to ask the basic questions which make the difference between useful and useless footage.

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