Media Solutions Manager, UBM

Author Bio ▼

Brian was appointed Editor of Security Management Today (SMT) in November 2000. In 2005, he received the BSIA Chairman's Award for Promoting The Industry and, a year later, the Skills for Security Special Award for an Outstanding Contribution to the Security Business Sector.In 2008, Brian was nominated for the ASC's Imbert Prize and was a finalist in the 2012 George van Schalkwyk Award.An Honorary Fellow of The Security Institute and a judge for numerous industry awards, Brian became the Editor of SMT Online in late 2008 and was also promoted to Group Content Editor for UBM Live's Security Portfolio (focusing on the IFSEC SELECT end user programme, the Security Excellence Awards, conferences and webinars).Now the Media Solutions Manager for UBM Live's Security and Fire Portfolio, Brian is actively pioneering developments in live events and digital media.
October 18, 2013


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed

Access Control & Queue Management at Download 2013

Granted exclusive behind-the-scenes access, Brian Sims reports on the security arrangements for Download 2013. Here the focus is on access control and event-specific training.

Access control at an event the size of the Download Festival is a critical and massive operation.

Not only will there be occasional surges of people wanting to enter the main arena — for example, just prior to the set of a major band kick-starting — but there are also the not inconsequential matters of ticket checking and bag search to be addressed.

At the top slope of the main Donington arena next to the ticket office, some 34 separate ingress lanes had been organized and staffed by SIA-licensed and trained Showsec event stewards. Showsec’s Tracey McCarthy was in overall charge of entry and exit management.

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Click here to view Figure 1.

Each day, 90,000 people need to be searched on their way into the main arena, with the majority camping on site and an average of 3,000 people with day tickets, 2,000 people entering the site on VIP passes, and 1,000 using disabled passes.

Showsec’s staff is responsible for bag searching, because certain items that are allowed on the campsites are forbidden in the arena. Of course, they will also look for illegal items such as weapons and drugs.

One of the barrier supervisors we spoke to at Download was Claire Bradshaw who first worked for Showsec back in 1994 as an event steward at Wembley. Having then spent some time in property consultancy, Bradshaw rejoined the company in 2011.

June this year saw Bradshaw become a management development associate at Showsec, working towards becoming an operations executive. To her great credit, she recently gained a first-class degree in Event and Festival Management through Buckinghamshire New University. She told us:

I’m one of six Showsec Management Development Programme students to be working at the entry barriers during Download. In terms of profiling and checking people and bags at the entrance gates, we need to strike a balance whereby everything’s thorough but not too intrusive. Bag searches have to be extensive, at the request of the client.

Mud bath

Sadly, the rain rarely stays away from a rock festival arena. It sometimes feels as if the two are attracted to each other much like a moth to a flame. Back in the Monsters of Rock days at Donington, this could — and often did — lead to a mud bath developing, in turn incurring the risk of slip-and-fall injuries.

Festival organizers have done a tremendous job of preventing any such situation from developing. Just inside the main arena barriers, for example, organizers invested in a stone and shale surface for an area where there’s necessarily a great deal of footfall. It’s easy to walk on and totally devoid of mud — the perfect remedy, and part of a GB pound 500,000 investment in new drainage and roadway engineering onsite.

Online training

New technology is also very much part of the Showsec mix onsite. “The industry is changing,” said Showsec’s managing director Mark Harding. “It’s moving towards management based around tablet computers, for example, which is where we’ve placed heavy investment.”

Showsec’s Simon Battersby, head of security at Download 2013, elaborated on that theme:

Our online e-learning platform was adapted so that we could disseminate briefing documents to members of staff prior to arrival on site. On top of that, extensive planning with the team from Live Nation ensured that the client’s aspirations could be cascaded from our own management team through to the supervisors and, in turn, on to the event stewards themselves.

Roy Wise is the training and development manager at Showsec, and the man who has actively driven National Occupational Standards for the event industry. Speaking to IFSEC Global by the main ticket office at Donington Park, Wise explained:

The online e-learning platform really comes into its own for an event like this one. Pre-event, we can instantly check who has completed what training and where and then place people at the event according to their specialisms. Live Nation pretty much builds a small town from scratch for this event. There’s an onsite hospital and fire station. Necessarily, the safety provisions have to be as good as they possibly can be. Absolutely nothing is left to chance.

Paul Cook is group head of health, safety, and security for the festival management team at Live Nation, and he moved to support Wise’s assertions:

Showsec boasts an excellent training package and management structure. This is the first year we’ve chosen to work with a single main security contractor, and this is one of the reasons why. Theirs is very much a team approach to working with an extremely high degree of technical and logistical knowledge and experience. That’s what we favour.

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October 21, 2013 7:56 am

90,000 people with as much gear as you see in that picture seems like it would be frustrating for just about everyone.  On that note though breaking it down you’re just under 3000 people per lane every day so that’s not a monumental task as long as traffic into each lane is fairly even.  It’s almost impossible to keep everyone happy in a situation like this but it does sound like they have a lot more thought to this than I’m used to seeing.

October 21, 2013 9:25 am
Reply to  safeNsane

Agreed, I wonder how throughly you can search that number of people and still maintain the pace… I do not envy those security personnel’s job at all.  

Rob Ratcliff
Rob Ratcliff
October 21, 2013 12:20 pm
Reply to  JonathanL

From a visitors perspective in the past, i do feel like the searching has got better, but it’s still a relatively scatter gun approach. Maybe things have changed more recently, not sure. Obviously, the search when you enter the campsite with all your bags and the subsequent search when you enter the ‘arena’ are distinctly different in nature.

October 22, 2013 7:32 am
Reply to  Rob Ratcliff

How granular do they get when going through the campsite search?  It seems like that would a whole lot more relaxed as far as what you can bring in but I’m sure there are still limits as to what you can bring in as far as sharp objects and fuel go for example.

Rob Ratcliff
Rob Ratcliff
October 22, 2013 9:34 am
Reply to  safeNsane

Most of the festivals I’ve been to have a no glass policy, so they quite often just give your bags a good squeeze to see if they can feel any glass. Beyond that, it’s drugs, which Police dogs take care of, mostly.

October 23, 2013 7:02 am
Reply to  Rob Ratcliff

I don’t spend time at festivals like this, are they OK with things like propane canisters?  I see a lot of large packs in the photo and the mention of camping makes me think people might be bringing in ways to cook. Aside from broken glass being hard to clean up I can’t see where it’s more dangerous than a rusty old propane grill. 

Rob Ratcliff
Rob Ratcliff
October 23, 2013 9:35 am
Reply to  safeNsane

Well, quite. Yes, generally they are allowed, and yes generally some idiot sets one alight and injures themselves or others.

October 24, 2013 7:07 am
Reply to  Rob Ratcliff

That’s actually pretty interesting.  I’ve done tailgate parties in stadium parking lots where there were similar rules and saw similar issues.  No glass bottles but there were hundreds if not thousands of grills going some propane some charcoal and my first thought was that someone was worried about being cut but what about being blown up because of a leaky gas tank meeting hot charcoal.  I know they are going after the most likely issues and that broken glass everywhere is much more likely than a propane cylinder becoming a missile but one is going to do a whole lot more damage than the… Read more »

Rob Ratcliff
Rob Ratcliff
October 28, 2013 8:00 am
Reply to  safeNsane

I’ve heard about these parties, they seem pretty incredible. Is everyone drink driving at these events?! You make some great points, I suppose it’s about what is proportionate and reasonable. As long as staff are awake to stamping out any idiocy.

October 29, 2013 7:19 am
Reply to  Rob Ratcliff

Well the driving part is supposed to stop when you get to the stadium so there isn’t much driving going on during the festivities but after the event I suspect the number of people who are over the legal limit and driving is quite high.  There is something about some areas and events in the US that make people think that drinking and driving is acceptable.  I went out on a community event that involved towing kids around house to house on trailers to go trick or treating this weekend.  I stopped counting the number of drivers with a beer… Read more »

Rob Ratcliff
Rob Ratcliff
October 29, 2013 7:33 am
Reply to  safeNsane

Wow, that’s a whole other level. Bet the kids loved it though…

October 30, 2013 7:19 am
Reply to  Rob Ratcliff

Yes the kids love it, the neighborhood is very large and houses are too far apart for kids to hit more than a handful by walking.  Over the years it has turned into a rolling party, people decorating trailers like pirate ships and amazing yard displays.  Thankfully I’ve never heard of any accidents but I suppose it’s only a matter of time with that many kids and that much rolling stock. 

gaurav verma
February 19, 2014 4:42 am
Reply to  safeNsane

Well security is a concern however we have a solution,if you wish I can share a product,which will not make other’s feel offended and at the same time provide the security check against Ferrous materials and there alloys.