Winners of the IFSEC Global Top Influencers in Security and Fire 2022 have now been announced. Nominations for this year will reopen in mid-2023 – view last year’s winners in the links below!
IFSEC Global Influencers in Security 2022
IFSEC Global Influencers in Fire Safety 2022
Grant Lecky, co-founder of the Security Partners Forum, once again led the judging process for 2022. Lecky, who himself featured in IFSEC Global’s list of top influencers in 2014 and 2017, appointed a diverse range of respected industry experts and thought leaders to the panel of judges and is coordinating the nominations and judging process. Both in geographic spread and stature, it’s certainly an impressive list. Scroll down to check out who was on the judging panel for 2022.
Previous winners lists:
- 2021 IFSEC Global Influencers in Security & Fire
- 2020 IFSEC Global Influencers in Security & Fire
- 2019 IFSEC Global Influencers in Security & Fire
About the Influencer Awards
The IFSEC Global Influencer in Security & Fire Awards have taken place since 2014 on an annual basis, and are designed to generate positivity across the industry by recognising the talent and efforts of some of the leading individuals tirelessly working to develop the security and fire safety sectors. The awards are designed to be as internationally representative as possible, showcasing the security industry as a global network of professionals all working towards the same goals – to keep people and assets, safe.
The process consists of two stages. First, IFSEC Global invites public nominations from its audience and beyond. Then, a panel of judges – who also put forward their own (limited) number of nominations – assign points to each nomination based on the persuasiveness of the nomination, their research into the nominee, and their own knowledge of the nominee’s contributions to the field. Judges are not allowed to vote on those they nominated themselves.
The final list is then compiled by Lead Judge, Grant Lecky, based on the judges scores.
Each year, nominations reach well into the hundreds, with exceptionally high quality entries. Each category’s designated number of final spots is dependent on the number of nominations for the category, with some having up to 20 places at stake where there is a high number of quality nominations.
Finally, introduced in 2021, the Global Influencer of the Year – or ‘first among equals’ – award is chosen between the winners of the five security categories (not including the ‘One to Watch’ award) that make up the IFSEC Global Influencers process each year (see below). A final round of judging is undertaken by an independent group of judges following the publication of the full list of Influencers. The award is then presented at the Security & Fire Excellence Awards, taking place in London in November.
Categories for 2022
- Security executives (the senior most official in an enterprise, whose primary duties encompass leading and managing security for the enterprise)
- Security – end users (e.g. heads of security, directors of security)
- Security – manufacturers/vendors/installers/integrators (those displaying exemplary work in the field of installation or specific projects, as well as technological innovation)
- Security – thought leadership (e.g. thought leaders, association figures, academics)
- Security – One to watch (Specifically for championing the sector’s rising stars, nominees should have worked in the industry for no longer than five years)
- Cyber security professionals and thought leaders
- Fire – all disciplines (UK only)
- Fire – One to watch (nominees should have worked in the industry for no longer than five years)
For nominations (will reopen in January 2023), please ensure that the most appropriate category of influencer is chosen in the nomination process, and that details of the recent influential work the nominee has carried out is written clearly and concisely. We do not accept self-nominations.