Dark Reading
Connecting the information security community
Part of the Informa Network, Dark Reading is a trusted online community for cyber security professionals, including CISOs, cyber security researchers and technology specialists. Covering the latest threats, vulnerabilities and cyber attacks, Dark Reading supports community members in keeping up with the latest in the sector.
Articles by this author
Perimeter fencing manufacturer hit by cyber-attack
How do we secure our cities from attack?
Growing threat to manufacturing and industrial systems as vulnerabilities rise
Why security pros are frustrated with cloud security
How do attackers target OT systems?
Managing cyber-physical security threats through convergence in a hyper-connected world
Vulnerabilities in IoT-based access control devices puts users and vendors at risk
Increase in physical security incidents adds to IT security pressures
US Capitol attack a wake-up call for the integration of physical & IT security
Alexa, disarm the victim’s home security system
Dealing with insider threats in the age of COVID
Why physical security should learn from the cyber security sector
What’s on your enterprise network? You might be surprised
The hidden costs of losing security talent
Physical penetration testers share their experience of ‘a job gone wrong’
Researchers trick facial recognition systems
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