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Steve Watts

co-founder, SecurEnvoy

Steve Watts is co-founder of SecurEnvoy. SecurEnvoy provide a solid and reliable innovative solution for two factor authentication that millions of users experience everyday that's easy to use, manage and deploy. As the original inventors of tokenless authentication, our goal is to continue to design innovative solutions that take advantage of the users mobile phones or other personal device as the "something you own" part of two factor authentication and resolve issues that have prevented their adoption such as SMS delays, no phone signal or synchronisation problems.

Articles by this author

How Near-Field Communication Could Sound the Password’s Death Knell


Whitepaper: Enhancing security, resilience and efficiency across a range of industries

Whitepaper: Multi-residential access management – The move to digital

2024 trends in physical security and critical communications

The Video Surveillance Report 2023

How cloud-based video surveillance can enable improved security for housing associations

EBOOK: Lessons from FIREX 2023 – Emerging challenges in fire safety

Return on Investment of Digital Access Management Solutions – Whitepaper for Critical Infrastructure Protection

EBOOK: Are You Ready for The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill?