Simplify Card Printing with the Affordable & Efficient HID FARGO INK1000

HIDGlobal-FargoINK1000-20The HID Fargo INK1000 provides simple, stunning and surprisingly affordable ID card printing.

Creating high-quality, personalised ID, gift and loyalty cards often comes at a high price. Many small-to-medium businesses, K-12/primary and secondary schools have had to choose between expensive and complicated printers with features they just don’t need, or simple and inexpensive printers that create poor quality cards. Luckily, there is a solution.

Read this eBook to discover more about the FARGO INK1000, the high-quality, affordable and simple inkjet card printer from HID Global. In this eBook, you will learn how:

  • HID’s specially designed inks create durable, long-lasting cards
  • Ribbonless printing improves security and reduces waste
  • Ease of operation saves time and frustration
  • Inkjet card printing reduces total cost of ownership

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