Wireless Access Control Report 2021

Download our free trend report to find out the state of the wireless access control market, projected trends, and analysis of the responses of over 400 security professionals on the topic! 

WACreport-FullpageBorder-20Wireless devices continue to evolve – a transformation that continues to impact the access control market. Growth has been driven by advances in the stability, and most importantly, security, of wireless technology, as traditional access methods have given way to electronic, wireless solutions, that utilise advances in the likes of Bluetooth Low Energy and Wi-Fi 6. In particular, there is a shift towards the use of mobile, or virtual keys, in access control. Businesses and their employees are now growing ever-more accustomed to utilising their smartphone as a payment method, access card for their workplace, and everything in between.

In the Wireless Access Control Report 2021, we look at all this and more, alongside experts from ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions. We asked over 400 security professionals their views on the current status of wireless and mobile access control solutions in the industry, as well as analysing why growing trends are developing.

We also set out to understand the importance of sustainability in the purchasing decisions and requirements of the security sector, as the topic increasingly dominates the headlines of newsrooms and political discourse alike.

Download this free report to find out more about:

  • The current state of wireless access control solutions in the market
  • The developing ‘move to mobile access control’ trend
  • Views on open architecture and integration – how vital is ‘open software’ for the development of wireless access control?
  • The growing use of the cloud to manage access systems
  • Views of security professionals on Access Control as a Service (ACaaS)
  • How important is sustainability to the industry? And, how can wireless access solutions support a more sustainable business environment?

Simply complete this short form to download this FREE trend report.

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