warehouse fires

The most common causes of warehouse fires

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A tech writer specialising in cybersecurity, working with Redscan on this and a number of other GDPR, MDR, and ethical hacking projects.
August 27, 2019

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A fire breaking out in a warehouse can be one of the real nightmare scenarios for a business, so it is no surprise that organisations are keen to minimise the risk of warehouse fires.

It’s not just the threat of losing expensive business equipment and stock, warehouse fires also endanger the lives of staff and put people at risk of injuries.

It is vital for companies to take their fire safety seriously especially in a warehouse environment. And one of the best ways to do this is to prevent them entirely. To do so, you need to have a good idea of what actually causes warehouse fires to occur, so that you can put measures in place to minimise the risk. Here we take a look some of the major causes of warehouse fires, as well as how to prevent them from breaking out.

Common causes of warehouse fires

Understanding the common causes of warehouse fires puts you in a good position to do the best possible work you can do for fire safety – preventing them before they have the opportunity to start. Some of the common causes are fairly predictable, but others might surprise you.

  • Fires that are set intentionally – it is unfortunately the case that by far one of the most common causes of warehouse fires are those that are deliberately started, known officially as arson. There are suggestions that arson cases make up nearly one third of all fire-related property damage and 18 per cent of specific warehouse fires. These arson cases could be a result of a deliberate petty criminal act or even as a part of insurance fraud.
  • Problems with electricity and lighting – coming in at a very close second place of causes of warehouse fires is issues with electrical and lighting equipment. These types are fires are typically less damaging to properties than intentionally started fires, but they are still a major problem for those in charge of warehouse fire safety. This is something that those in charge of warehouse safety need to take very seriously.
  • Heating equipment – be careful when you are heating up a warehouse during the colder months because while this can be an essential part of the smooth running of your operation, it can be a serious fire risk. Around eight per cent of warehouse fires are caused by heating equipment, making it the third most common cause of fire in this setting.
  • Exposure – the next most common cause of warehouse fires is something called ‘exposure’. This is a specific firefighting term that refers to materials that are combustible but that are not currently on fire. So, this applies to warehouses that contain large amounts of materials that could catch fire if they were exposed to a flame or heat source. Exposures account for around seven per cent of warehouse fires.
  • Smoking materials – it is probably no surprise, but it is still important to note here that the materials involved in smoking are the cause of a large number of warehouse fires. Cigarettes, cigars, and lighters are responsible for around five per cent of the total number of warehouse fires

What can you do to prevent them?

There are many things that businesses can be to minimise their risk of fires occurring. Here are three key things that you need pay attention to in your warehouse.

  • Fire risk assessments – it is a legal requirement to have a fire risk assessment carried out under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, however not all assessments are created equal. It is advisable to have professionals manage this process for you to ensure that it is carried out correctly.
  • Smoke detectors – you should ensure that you have smoke detectors installed across your warehouse paying special attention to any areas that may be vulnerable to fire breaking out. Some owners worry about the prospect of putting detectors in place with a sprinkler system because they are concerned an overzealous system could be set off incorrectly and items could be ruined. However, it is always more important to think about safety.
  • Fire extinguishers – you should have appropriate fire extinguishers in place across your warehouse, however it is important to note that fire extinguishers should only be used appropriately.

Do you work in the logistics sector? You may be interested in content from our sister title, SHD Logistics. Provider of news, case studies and opinions from the logistics sector, has launched a new app. It is available on the Apple App Store and on your desktop. Once downloaded, the app will allow you to save, read, search and share digital editions of SHD Logistics. SHD covers many verticals including retail and fashion, food and beverage, engineering, manufacturing, and transport and distribution. 

2023 Fire Safety eBook – Grab your free copy!

Download the Fire Safety in 2023 eBook, keeping you up to date with the biggest news and prosecution stories from around the industry. Chapters include important updates such as the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 and an overview of the new British Standard for the digital management of fire safety information.

Plus, we explore the growing risks of lithium-ion battery fires and hear from experts in disability evacuation and social housing.

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Dr Robert Docherty
Dr Robert Docherty
August 30, 2019 1:19 pm

HI Dakota, I like your paper and wondered if (with my Chairman of IFSM hat on!) we could use it for our next edition of the IFSM Journal ‘Daedalus’. Obviously we give authors full credit for their work and also insert a small bio if you have one. If you are happy to do it could you please send a copy to my email address?

many thanks in advance – Regards Bob

Dakota Murphey
Dakota Murphey
September 2, 2019 12:24 pm

Thanks for the comment, Bob!

I’m thrilled to hear you liked my paper. I’d be delighted for you to use my work in the next edition of IFSM Journal.

I’ll send you a copy within the hour!

Thanks again,
Dakota 🙂