Download: The Wireless Access Control Market in 2016

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assa-front-jan16A collaboration between ASSA ABLOY, IFSEC Global and IHS Research, this report offers a comprehensive overview of the wireless access control market, providing detailed analysis of the latest survey results and independent insights into the access control market’s future direction.

The report also highlights the many benefits of wireless access control and the huge opportunities ahead as usage spreads to server cabinets, perimeter fences and other applications across many business areas. It helps to dispel fears on the cost of installation and maintenance, demonstrating that cost efficiency, easy maintenance and higher security are key drivers of this fast growing technology.

The Wireless Access Control Report 2016 – like the 2014 edition sponsored by ASSA ABLOY – is split into the following chapters:

  • The existing installed system
  • Training & wireless access control
  • Sourcing a wireless access control system
  • The decision to upgrade
  • Electronic versus mechanical locks
  • Access control beyond just doors

Blake Kozak, principal analyst with the Security and Building Technologies Group at research consultancy IHS, has provided independent insights throughout the report. ASSA ABLOY’s portfolio director for digital access solutions on the EMEA portfolio Markus Henkelmann, also offers his viewpoint in every chapter.

For businesses that may be looking to invest in a new system or expand their existing control systems, this report makes essential reading.

Download the report to read the true facts about wireless access, enabling you to make informed decisions for the future.

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