5 SMART KPIs your security operations should track

TrackTik-KPIsWhitepaper-21You may have taken the time to invest in the best training and equipment for your mobile security teams, but have you considered setting KPIs for your field operations? In this whitepaper, TrackTik explains why measurement of performance should be a key driver in your business processes, and how it can help to win further business.

Typically, KPIs measure the success or failure of a business goal or objective, but they also provide valuable, actionable insights to help you investigate, monitor, and analyse situations before you react and respond. The analysis of KPIs can help you make both tactical and strategic decisions concerning the day-to-day operations of your security programme. KPIs help ensure that your programme is effectively addressing any process or technology gaps. Without these actionable insights into your operations, it’s extremely difficult to manage and adapt to any last-minute changes, maintain SLA compliance, or accurately reduce overtime spending.

Download this whitepaper to find out:

  • How to identify your KPIs
  • How measurement of your own performance can drive business growth
  • Five key SMART KPIs for your field operations
  • Why you should stick to SMART principles – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-sensitive

Simply fill out the short form to your right to download your copy. 


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