Choosing the right facial recognition solution for access control

Choosing the right facial recognition solution for access controlThe pandemic has added an increasing demand for contactless systems, and capabilities that will help to support and enforce mask-wearing mandates. Facial recognition access control systems are a mature, accurate and reliable methodology answering this need. A growing number of people are comfortable and familiar with this approach to proving their identity.

For employers, facial recognition-based access control offers an unobtrusive and contactless solution for ensuring that only authorised personnel can enter a building or site. Deployment is surprisingly straightforward and compliance with GDPR and similar regulations, ensures appropriate standards of privacy and the confidence of users.

In this whitepaper, Thales looks at the key considerations when selecting, implementing and operating a facial recognition access control system.

  • What are the main benefits of such an investment?
  • What specific requirements you should look into?

Thales’ guide explores all you need to know before deploying facial recognition access control in your company.

To download this free whitepaper, simply fill out the form opposite.

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