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November 3, 2021

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Global ‘Decade of Action for Fire Safety’ campaign launched by coalition of organisations

A worldwide coalition of over 80 fire safety organisations has launched a ‘Decade of Action for Fire Safety 2022-2032’, which aims to ensure an internationally consistent approach to the safety and management of buildings and infrastructure. 

The launch of the Decade of Action for Fire Safety is backed by the UN and builds on the International Fire Safety Standard – Common Principles (IFSS-CP) published by the International Fire Safety Standards Coalition (IFSS) in October 2020.

The Decade of Action has set out to deliver a clear goal, performance-based objectives, framework, and common actions that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These aims can be defined as follows: 

  • Pillar 1 – People – actions to help individuals and groups understand fire, what they can do to increase their understanding
  • Pillar 2 – Products – actions to reduce fire hazards associated with appliances, contents and building components
  • Pillar 3 – Structures – actions to reduce fire hazards associated with structures including planning, design and operation
  • Pillar 4 – Infrastructure – actions to help enhance firefighting infrastructure
  • Pillar 5 – Communities – actions to facilitate sustainable and fire resilient communities.

The IFSS Coalition, formed in 2018 and supported by the UN, is an industry-led global response to address the differing or, in some cases, non-existent requirements in countries across the world to fire safety.

Contrasting approaches have resulted in significant variations in the design, approval, construction methods, and operation of buildings and infrastructure, impacting fire risk.

Gary Strong, Chair of the IFSS Coalition, said: “Our coalition has worked hard to produce this globally applicable way to bring improvements and consistency in fire safety to buildings and infrastructure new and old, ultimately reducing the risk to lives.

“The goal is to stabilise and reduce the forecast level of fire fatalities, injuries, economic cost, and environmental impact around the world by 2032, despite an increase in population over this period.

“This new initiative is unprecedented, being the first agreement on fire safety actions on this international scale, with its development supported by the United Nations in line with its own sustainable development goals. It is the outcome of extensive work and worldwide expertise on fire safety drawn from over 80 coalition organisations, and will bring reassurance that the construction and management of buildings and infrastructure upholds appropriate fire safety standards, with improved training, education, and resources.”

To access the ‘Global Plan for a Decade of Action for Fire Safety’ PDF, click here. 

2023 Fire Safety eBook – Grab your free copy!

Download the Fire Safety in 2023 eBook, keeping you up to date with the biggest news and prosecution stories from around the industry. Chapters include important updates such as the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 and an overview of the new British Standard for the digital management of fire safety information.

Plus, we explore the growing risks of lithium-ion battery fires and hear from experts in disability evacuation and social housing.


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