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Head of Content, IFSEC and FIREX

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Charlotte Geoghegan is Head of Content for the Protection & Management portfolio, which includes IFSEC and FIREX live events and IFSEC Insider.
August 5, 2016

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Home automation presentations from IFSEC 2016 [download]

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Home automation was the hot topic of IFSEC’s 2016 Smart Theatre and all the slides are available for download.

Simply fill out the form on the right-hand side to receive all of the following seven presentations.

Designing a smart home infrastructure by Simon Buddle, CEDIA

Includes: timeline of connected devices; comparisons of tv, computer, phone and tablet usage between generations; structure of wiring for the home.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IoT-2.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”10″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

Future trends in smart buildings and home automation by Tabitha Morton, Yale

Includes: future of residential security; key drivers for smart buildings; highlights from the Yale smart living 2015 report.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Yale-2.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

Security and convergence in the smart home by Tim Hewitt, IHS

Includes: smart home remote monitoring service revenues; challenges and opportunities with professional systems; challenges and opportunities with ad-hoc monitoring.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IHS.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

Simplifying the smart home by Ross Wilkins, Comelit

Includes: the evolution of door entry; smart home control methods; examples of smart home estates.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Comelit.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

Smart business – an additional customer stream by Steve Martin, ECA

Includes: the journey from wireless communicating controls to integration and IoT; overview of smart buildings, devices, cities and grid; opportunities and hurdles in the smart business.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ECA.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

Smart homes of the future – expanding beyond home security by Michael Philpott, Ovum

Includes: growth potential in home automation; what the industry needs to do to stimulate the smart home market.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Ovum.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

The smart home, overcoming barriers to adoption by Jon Carter, Deutsch Telekom

Includes: principle use cases; stagnation of the security market versus growth of smart home security.

[mk_image src=”https://www.ifsecglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Deutsche-Telekom.png” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”false” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_padding_divider size=”40″]

 To download all of these presentations simply complete the form on the top right hand side of this page.

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