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Adam Bannister is a contributor to IFSEC Global, having been in the role of Editor from 2014 through to November 2019. Adam also had stints as a journalist at cybersecurity publication, The Daily Swig, and as Managing Editor at Dynamis Online Media Group.
February 20, 2015

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State of Physical Access Trend Report 2024

Smart Buildings: New Code of Practice for Connected Systems Integration

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is issuing fresh guidance on how engineers can keep abreast of constantly evolving building systems.

Expected some time in 2016 the Code of Practice for Connected Systems Integration in Buildings will promote best practice in the specification, design and integration of connected systems in built environments.

Emerging innovations in home comforts like high-speed data connections, multi-room audio and hi-tech security systems demand a new standard for integrators to adhere to.

Providing a reference on design, integration practice and technological considerations for practitioners the code is designed to help improve connectivity, communications networking and connected systems integration in residential and SME commercial buildings.

“Most people today contribute to the technology revolution, whether by accessing social media via phones or tablets, surfing the web using the TV or using wireless multi-room audio systems,” says James Eade, chairman of the IET’s Standards TC4.1 Connected Systems Integration, which oversaw the code’s formulation.

“The functionality that modern technology affords our daily lives is immense but these disparate technologies have to be engineered to co-exist together effectively.
Reflective building facade
“This guide will not only be a key document for installers to guide them through the different technologies and their integration, but crucially it is also concerned with planning the current and potential future requirements of an integrated system. As such it will assist in managing and meeting the expectations of clients.”

The nascent ‘internet of things’ is prompting a major rethink in how building systems  are integrated with implications for everything from entertainment and IT, to security, lighting, heating and other building operations.

Engineers are increasingly grappling with infrastructural constraints as smart technology proliferates with communications often hampered by a building’s location, while building fabric and power issues also pose problems.

Systems compatibility and configuration issues can also present challenges to successful integration and operation.

This document outlines a best practice approach to connected systems integration in buildings, covering common communications and built environment challenges, with the aim of enabling improved connectivity, communications networking and connected systems integration for user access in residential and SME commercial buildings.

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