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IFSEC Insider, formerly IFSEC Global, is the leading online community and news platform for security and fire safety professionals.
June 2, 2001


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed

Hail the message master

  • Personal alarms/product finders
    In the wake of the trend towards lean production and engineering, more people than ever work alone – security officers on remote sites being a classic case in point.
    Axhede & Hansson has now developed a hi-tech alarm and position identification device that combines standard products – namely a hand-held GPS unit and a mobile ‘phone.
    When activated, the redKnows People and Product Finder (PPF) converts the information into an SMS message that is transmitted to a pre-set receiver. This identifies the exact location of the carrier sending the message to within a few metres.
    End users should note that the PPF has two distinct functions. On top of the basic alarm function, anyone with access to the redKnows system’s phone number can find out the exact location of the carrier at any given moment in time, along with the direction of movement and current speed of travel.
    The caller merely needs access to a mobile ‘phone or a computer to see and trace this positioning information on a screen.

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