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The book, called Code Black: 50 Lessons in Crisis Management for Effective Leadership by Glenn C. Schoen, was selected by judges for covering “fundamentals” in crisis and security management.
The winner is selected by a panel of ASIS members who review member-authored titles using criteria including relevancy to today’s security threats, importance of the subject in the field, and the uniqueness of the coverage of a new security concept, idea, or technology.
Kevin Cassidy, Professor in the security, fire, and emergency management department at John Jay College said “Code Black: 50 Lessons in Crisis Management for Effective Leadership could not have been published at a better time.
“It discusses fundamentals of crisis management, security management, risk management, and how businesses and government agencies deal with conflict in today’s turbulent times. Author Glenn Schoen highlights various topics, including the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on society, individuals’ perception of security and safety, employees’ sense of workplace safety, economics, and the supply chain crisis.”
Cassidy went on to add, “Whether crises are manmade or because of natural disasters, they are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity, straining resources and challenging community and organizational resilience. How does society plan for and alleviate risks and hazards and manage the response and recovery efforts when an emergency or disaster strikes?
“There is not an easy answer to this puzzling question. Schoen suggests that crises have seven characteristics, each offering a context for managing them. He goes on to explain how these characteristics lay the foundation to manage a crisis.”
Previous ASIS Book of the Year winners include:
2022: Principles of Emergency Management Operations Centers (EOC), Michael J. Fagel, Ph.D., CEM, Rick C. Mathews, MS, NRP (ret.) and J. Howard Murphy, PhD, FacEM, CEM, NRP
2021: Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment: The Definitive Threat Identification and Threat Reduction Handbook by Ernie Hayden, PSP
2020: Strategic Security: Forward Thinking for Successful Executives, Jean Perois, CPP
2019: Soft Target Hardening: Protecting People from Attack (2nd Edition), Jennifer Hesterman, PhD.
2018: The Five Technological Forces Disrupting Security, Steve Van Till
2017: Managing Critical Incidents and Large-Scale Event Security, Eloy Nuñez and Ernest G. Vendrell, CPP
2016: Risk Analysis and Security Countermeasure Selection (2nd Edition), Thomas L. Norman, CPP, PSP
2015: Soft Target Hardening: Protecting People from Attack (1st Edition), Jennifer Hesterman, Ph.D.
2014: Crisis Management and Emergency Planning: Preparing for Today’s Challenges, Michael J. Fagel, Ph.D.
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Crisis management book wins 2023 ASIS Security Industry Book of the Year Award'Code Black: 50 Lessons in Crisis Management for Effective Leadership', was selected for covering "fundamentals" in crisis and security management.
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