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Association news

ASFP achieves ISO 9001 certification

The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) has achieved ISO 9001 certification, following a two-stage assessment by UKAS-accredited certification body LRQA.

ASFP-ISO9001-23As part of its continuous drive for improvement, the ASFP started its ISO 9001 certification journey in late 2022. ASFP Compliance and Quality Assurance Manager Tariq Malik worked to develop a Quality Management System (QMS) and Quality Manual in line with ISO 9001 requirements.

A stage one assessment of ASFP’s systems took place in February this year. During this audit its systems were reviewed to see if the association had put in place all the requirements specified in ISO 9001. As with any new system, several gaps were identified and LRQA raised five findings for further work.

Having undertaken this work, ASFP’s stage two assessment took place in May this year. As a result, it was issued with its ISO 9001 certificate in June.

ASFP Managing Director Mike Ward stated: “I am delighted we have achieved this certification and would particularly like to thank Tariq for his hard work in developing our QMS system and for guiding the Association successfully through this process.

“By achieving ISO 9001 certification, we want to demonstrate our commitment to members and customers that our products and services will always meet regulatory requirements as well as our customers’ needs.

“We are always striving to improve and by becoming ISO 9001 certificated, we have gained another tool that will allow us to do so in a globally-recognised way.”

What is ISO 9001 certification?

ISO 9001 is part of a series of standards designed for organisations looking to improve the quality of their products and services to ensure they consistently meet customer or member expectations.

Specifically, ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

It’s based on several quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. It is designed to help ensure customers – or in ASFP’s case, members – get consistent, good quality products and services.

Find out more about ISO 9001 here. 


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