As security experts warn of a rise in potential insider threat scenarios as the cost of living rises, the UK’s Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) has published a series of learning modules for organisations.
As CPNI explains, the modules have been launched as business operating models continually evolve to enable efficiencies, new hybrid working arrangements and cost of living outweighing salary increases. Such challenges may result in a change in behaviour and actions from individuals in the workplace, which can lead to an insider incident occurring if left unchecked.
Developing a strong system of protective measures will help mitigate this, but organisations may be unsure of where to start, where to invest and what to include in a programme.
CPNI says this is where its new series of nine digital learning modules can help – all of which are underpinned by CPNI’s ongoing and extensive research into Insider Risk.
The modules are free of charge and are designed to provide users with a solid foundation in the subject area, acting as a springboard to CPNI’s guidance to help effectively manage Insider Risk.
Each module lasts between 10-20 minutes and can be viewed at an individual’s own pace. Each involves a video, alongside additional resources such as guidance documents and templates.
The modules cover:
- Introduction to CPNI Insider Research
- Leadership and Governance
- Leadership Role in Preserving Organisational Trust
- Role-based Risk Assessment
- Employee Screening
- Ongoing Personnel Security
- Investigations
- Employee Monitoring
- Online Personnel Security
Learn more and access CPNI’s training for the insider threat, here.
Have a listen to IFSEC Global’s recent podcast conversation with Mike Gips, where we discuss the growing risk of insider threat and challenges social media presents to today’s security professionals.