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A home improvement and DIY retailer in East Flanders, Belgium, has modernised its video surveillance infrastructure with an end-to-end IDIS solution.
The company, Safti, previously relied on a legacy video system that was hampered by blind spots, poor image quality and insufficient external cameras. The modernisation was initiated by Managing Director, Barbara Braekman, granddaughter of the company’s founder.
Braekman consulted with leading systems integrator Vermeulen, which recommended a complete end-to-end surveillance solution using IDIS’s Korean-made DirectIP® technology.
Vermeulen achieved comprehensive area coverage by installing 20 IDIS Super Fisheye cameras, positioned internally and externally. The cameras enable wide-area visual awareness with a choice of viewing options, and six first-rate dewarping view modes.
Vermeulen installed four additional IDIS bullet cameras to enhance protection at key car park entry and exit points, and to give complete coverage of the drive-in area. In addition, 17 IDIS vandal-resistant 2MP domes were installed to improve security at checkouts and store entrances.
Peter Vermeulen, Owner of Vermeulen Group, says: “Safti is delighted with the IDIS video solution that we’ve provided because it’s not just improving security but helping to deliver a better customer experience,” says Peter Vermeulen, Owner of Vermeulen Group.
Dirk Vercruyssen, Managing Director, IDIS Belgium, concludes: “A single 64-channel 4K IDIS NVR satisfies Safti’s current storage requirements and ensures scalability and flexibility, making it simple to add more cameras. And IDIS Solution Suite will allow Safti to adopt the latest IDIS deep-learning analytics as the business evolves.”
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IDIS end-to-end video solution utilised by Belgian DIY retailerA home improvement and DIY store in East Flanders, Belgium, has modernised its video surveillance infrastructure with an end-to-end IDIS solution.
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