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September 15, 2023

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State of Physical Access Trend Report 2024

Environment and sustainability focused task group launched by Euralarm

The Horizontal Compliance Committee of Euralarm has started a new task group to focus on environmental and sustainability issues.

The overall objective of the new group is to address relevant legislations covering environmental sustainability topics either where Euralarm can influence or where there will be a significant impact for its members.

Earlier this year the Committee said that the number of European legislative initiatives related to environment and sustainability under the European Green Deal was ‘continuously growing’ and that the experts from Euralarm members on such topics are often different from those involved in usual electrotechnical topics.

The Committee then decided to launch the task group to address these specific topics, provided that enough experts were interested to participate.

The group is said to have had its first kick-off meeting on 23 August, attended by 17 experts from 14 organisations representing all Euralarm sections and moderated by the Horizontal Compliance Committee chair Christian Schmitz, who is also the Industry Affairs Manager at Honeywell.

Sustainability topics to be addressed 

The Committee will then request for specific topics to be addressed by the task group, including: the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), sustainability requirements that are relevant for the revision of the CPR, the Digital Product Passport (DPP), Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), Green Claims Directive, Right to Repair Directive, potential PFAS restrictions, RoHS, REACH and WEEE.

To avoid duplication and to maximise results the task group is said to also liaise with the Orgalim Green Transition Working Group.

The deliverables of the task group will aim to be explanatory memos summarising legislations, standards, or other technical specifications with an assessment on how these can impact Euralarm members, the firm said. Other deliverables may include Euralarm responses to consultations and Euralarm position papers, guidance documents and webinars.

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