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October 26, 2021

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State of Physical Access Trend Report 2024

Video analytics

Adoption of advanced video analytics is “rising rapidly”, NW Security UK study finds

Research conducted by NW Security has found that 41% of England-based businesses which are running CCTV systems, have already deployed facial recognition analytics in their systems with the aim to identify matches for access control, event security or public safety purposes.

Over a third of CCTV system owners (36%), in businesses with over 50 employees, had already deployed some event or behavioural recognition analytics at the time the research was conducted. Examples given included spotting loitering or highlighting abandoned bags (bags with no person in close proximity). A further 22% believed that they had this capability in their systems but had not yet turned it on.

Just over a third (34%) of CCTV system owners questioned had already deployed Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) to capture number plates at perimeter barriers, for example, and the same number of system owners (34%) had deployed Video Motion Detection (VMD) to help reduce their system’s video storage requirements by only recording when motion is detected in front of a camera.

One in five (20%) claimed to have access to ANPR analytics in their systems but not to have turned it on yet. A further 27% claimed to have VMD capability in their systems which they have not yet activated.

A third of CCTV system owners in England claimed to have deployed object tracking – a relatively new capability which enables security teams to track individuals from camera to camera through a large site in ‘auto track’ mode.

Nearly a third (32%) had deployed Objection Detection or Object Classification to help the system distinguish between humans, vehicles, animals, swaying trees, shadows, rain, luggage, water, roads etc. 23% confirmed that they had this capability in their systems but had not yet turned it on.

Only marginally less (31.6%) claimed to have already deployed Directional Detection analytics to detect which direction an object or person is moving over a line. A further 28% claimed to have this capability at their disposal but not to have turned it on.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) analytics, heavily used to read the identification numbers on parcels and other goods in transit, has been deployed by 31% of England’s businesses in NW Security’s recent business survey. A further 35% claimed that they already had this capability in their systems but had not yet put it to work.

Business intelligence-led video analytics was not far behind in terms of adoption. For example, heat mapping which is commonly used to detect crowds forming before events or analyse the busiest areas of a shop has already been deployed by 28% of CCTV system owners. Nearly another quarter (23%) claimed to have this capability at their disposal but had not yet configured it or made it live.

28% had turned on people counting analytics on their systems. NW Security discovered some of these people had adopted this capability to monitor room capacity levels for COVID Safety reasons. Nearly as many, 26%, thought they had people counting analytics available in their system but had not yet made it live.

Over a quarter (27%) recorded that they were using Facial Detection analytics and a further quarter (25%) had deployed traffic monitoring analytics in their systems. While 22% of system owners recorded making crowd density analytics live on their systems. Even higher numbers (24%) confirmed they had access to crowd density measurement analytics but had not yet deployed it.

Frank Crouwel, Managing Director of NW Security, commented: “We have been surprised by the level of adoption of even fairly sophisticated video analytics adoption across CCTV system owners. That said, more and more camera vendors are offering analytics at the edge.  Many video analytics types are present in over half of existing systems and seven different types of analytics have already seen over 30% adoption across our total base of over 152 CCTV system owners of medium and large-sized businesses across England.”

Josh Woodhouse, Lead Analyst at Novaira Insights, a UK-based video surveillance market research company, added: “Basic features like motion detection and virtual tripwire have been embedded in most cameras for many years. However, it is an ongoing trend where more analytics workload can be achieved at the edge.

“An increasing number of new cameras sold feature more advanced analytics like event or behaviour recognition. It is estimated that 43% of all professional grade network security cameras shipped in the world in 2020 featured these more advanced analytics. This is forecast to nearly double to 81% by 2025, leading to cameras having the functionality for advanced analytics such as object detection or facial recognition as standard capabilities.”

For further reading on what’s driving this rapid adoption of advanced video analytics, click here. 

Free Download: The Video Surveillance Report 2023

Discover the latest developments in the rapidly-evolving video surveillance sector by downloading the 2023 Video Surveillance Report. Over 500 responses to our survey, which come from integrators to consultants and heads of security, inform our analysis of the latest trends including AI, the state of the video surveillance market, uptake of the cloud, and the wider economic and geopolitical events impacting the sector!

Download for FREE to discover top industry insight around the latest innovations in video surveillance systems.


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